
The Borders have Opened !

Well Finally we are opening the borders to International Tourism again in 2022 ! 

It has been a long hard road the last few years balancing staffing, wage costs, stock supply etc...When will we ever get back to a ( Perceived ) normal ??

While it is great to see planes landing again at the airport, we still need to see full seats. Hopefully a bit of marketing Qld will get Cairns back on the map and the international tourist who have been itching to spend their Covid savings on a Beautiful Tropical destination. 

While we have seen a lot of businesses not be able to ride out the storm sadly, it will take some time but I believe Retail will make a come back this year. Yes online shopping ( as expected ) has gone crazy, but there are still soooo many people who still choose the Bricks and Mortar experience :)

Lets hope 2022 is the year will get over this ongoing saga that is Covid and we all start to head to the shops and enjoy lifes little pleasures again ! ( without a mask :0 ) 

21st Feb 2022

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